About Sami
Welcome! I’m Sami Bee, certified health coach, personal trainer, pilates instructor, yoga student, beach girl, mom to four adult kids, and excited about this 3rd chapter of life!
My journey with health, nutrition and wellness started over 2 decades ago when I battled, and overcame, serious eating disorders. My journey to wellness began with illness, but soon became a passion and a lifestyle….
Good nutrition and healthy living took me through four healthy pregnancies, into raising a family, and even kept my energy up during 22 years of homeschooling, rec sports, dance classes, and all the other things that come with having kids and a crazy busy schedule.
As my children grew into young adults, I returned to school to complete my BS degree in nutritional sciences, with a minor in wellness, and soon after became a certified health coach, as well as a certified personal fitness trainer.
Shortly after turning 50, I suddenly felt unwell. My skin broke out in rash and hives, my sleep became a nightmare, and my hormones went wild. I was unable to exercise because sweating burned my skin, my joints ached nonstop, I was exhausted all of the time, extra weight popped up on my frame, and I just felt terrible all of the time. I looked at my seemingly healthy diet, consulted doctors, holistic doctors, chiropractors and even an acupuncturist and found no answers. After a long period of time and a lot of money spent, I decided I had to figure it out myself. A closer look at my diet, and making one big change was the first step (sugar-the answer to much of this was sugar…ok, well, wine-but still sugar!) I found the perfect-and more gentle-exercise for my body. I was feeling better quickly, but still battling the hives and aching joints. I continued to make changes to my lifestyle, and researching almost nonstop. I realized, after a few years of looking and feeling pretty horrible, that my gut was a mess. A week after that realization, and a rather simple 4 day diet protocol, I was 100% better! It’s been several years, and I’ve never experienced another issue. My energy was high, my skin was clear, my sleep had improved, and I found myself in the best shape of my life.
Soon after, I moved to the beach, became obsessed with yoga and pilates, got certified as a pilates instructor, and enrolled in yoga teacher training. My new energy soon found me kayaking and paddle boarding as much as possible. As I entered this new phase of life, I soon realized-this an unwritten, exciting new chapter with endless possibilities, and feeling strong, healthy and well is at the core! I’m excited to share that passion with the world!
When I’m not working to change the health of the world, I can be found walking my beautiful beach with my dog Sadie, biking my amazing island, doing yoga or pilates, paddling the coast, or catching a football game with one of my kids. I’m crazy about all music (Beatles and U2:)), football (Go Ravens) and traveling around the US.
Ready to feel your best and start your new chapter?? Let’s chat!